
Important Programming Language You Should Learn To Become A Website Hacker.

Nowadays, you can find many hackers in your community but actually they are not ethical hackers. They just refer to some hacker's novel and learns some easy tricks for general hacking like scam, phishing, or just general coding. Beginners trys to fool you through some innovative technical ideas and gets all information. But for ethical hacking, you have learn programming language and this is the only mean to become a professional hacker. Today I m going discuss about these important programming languages for ethical hacking.

Lists of programming languages-:


Those programming are used for designing or adding some content to website. It is web oriented language and used for website hacking. Any change in Html code of a website can change many content of website. You can also hack its content from the html code because every content of website are published through html code.

SQL Injection-

It is a database programming language. Every data of a website is present within a database through SQL programming so that can be hacked by SQL Injection. SQL Injection is process of injecting a code or program to website database using SQL programming. After injection, every data of website will be get hacked and you can make any changes in whole website database.

PHP programs-

PHP is strongly recommended to every beginner in Hacking and Penetration testing because it is easy to hack a website with php programming. Many of site like facebook, amazon, etc can be hacked with these language. Many hackers use php programming to hack a facebook profile.

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